
How to get rid of menopause belly fat?

by Elizabeth
(Beat Menopause Weight Gain)

The typical menopause belly fat creeps on around the midriff - or sometimes piles on very quickly.

How to get rid of stomach fat? You need to take a holistic approach. Doing hundreds of ab crunches a week isn't going to do the trick.

Make sure you have a healthy menopause diet. Cut out junk food as much as possible, and have 5-6 small meals a day, focussing on fresh fruit and vegetables, whole grains, lean protein and healthy fats. Cook from scratch whenever you can, and try to avoid processed foods which are full of sugars, unhealthy fats and empty calories.

Get plenty of exercise and make it a mix of aerobic and strength training exercises. Building muscle is a great strategy for losing belly fat.

Try to find ways to relieve stress. Be good to yourself, find time to relax every day. Stress makes your body produce cortisol, a hormone which encourages your body to lay down those stores of fat right where you don't want them - on your midriff.

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