
Good menopause exercise programme please

by Bea
(Surrey, UK)

Can you recommend an exercise dvd that would make a good menopause exercise program?

Elizabeth's reply

Bea - try Davina McCall's The Power of Three - Three 30 Minute Workouts. There are three half-hour sessions:
Pump - good muscle and strength training exercises interspersed with interval training aerobics.
Cardio-Box - this one's fun, fat burning combined with boxing moves.
Core Stability - great for working on posture and balance, it's slow and stretchy.

Davina does the exercises herself alongside trainers Mark and Jackie. The music is good and you can turn-off the voice-overs once you're familiar with the moves. Half an hour feels just right. If you did one of these workouts three times a week and took care to have a healthy diet with sensible portion sizes you'd soon feel firmer, fitter and trimmer.

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